When localizing, please make sure to appropriate the Productboard voice and tone in a way that best reflects our writing principles.
That said, transcreate rather than translate – use your best judgment and knowledge of the constraints and rules of the language laws you’re writing in to create the same tone and communicate the same key message, even if your version of copy will differ to the EN version in some ways. That’s totally ok.
A note: please remember that EN is a concise language – you can expect a 20% character count increase or more, especially in French and Russian.
As per our guidelines above, try to stay away from slang and jargon that would age or anchor the brand too firmly in one particular cultural movement, industry, or time.
Where idioms are concerned, feel free to use them if they don’t impede clarity and are appropriate for the context. It goes without saying that idioms don’t translate so select them very wisely when writing for your local market.